Living my dream

By Mima

Still plenty of wood

It has been a colder winter so far than any since I moved here. Accordingly the wood store has been plundered regularly to keep Bean and I snug and warm in front of the potbelly stove in the study. 

Fortunately I split far too much firewood last summer and the one before that, so there is going to be no need to test my back splitting any more for the foreseeable future. 

It has been a pretty dreary day weatherwise: heavily overcast and only 8C. We have been indoors much of the day: the supervisor checking the inside of her eyelids and blankets, while I made a Cantal cheese.

I spent my Sensible 40 Minutes very carefully lifting all the leeks, then mowing them up along with the tomato and pepper plants to add to the compost. 

The leeks have been my failed crop this year. All but three of them went to seed so early that by the time they'd been frosted they were veritable trees. I shall sow them three weeks later this spring, because I'm sure they simply had too long in the ground before the frosts.

I cut the first skirret and have a load of roots roasting for my supper. It grew vigorously this year so there are masses more to harvest.

A good day despite the gloom outside.

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