
By Grammy

Rain at Last

We were awakened early to the glorious sound of thunder and rain! Thank you Lord. And it has rained off and on all day. I braved the elements and got my photo of this perennial hibiscus bloom before it was totally destroyed. They are very fragile flowers. It is a bit wilted but still beautiful. The blooms are huge. Hubby used the inside time to catch up on financial matters. He also thoroughly vacuumed the house. We changed the linens and I joined Kim and Brooklyn for a mini shopping excursion. Kim dropped her new car off for an oil change and I met her at the dealership. Brooklyn found an adorable outfit for their Maine trip at the end of the month. We bought groceries and I shudder at how our prices have risen in the last few years. Folks with low incomes must be heartbroken when they shop. Kim met her hubby at Jamie’s. We separated our purchases and chatted for a bit. I enjoyed a chicken salad sandwich for a late lunch and almost fell asleep at the table. The rain stopped temporarily so hubby attached the back up camera cables to the camper. And just like that it was nap time. We slept until 5 pm. We had a quiet evening planned. Then we were invited to Jamie’s for dinner. River is there for his first sleepover. His idea. Aunt Sassy/Abi has made sure it is a fun experiences. See my extra. The rain and storms are supposed continue tomorrow. That should make Parker’s lacrosse tournament interesting. Remember when I said lacrosse was finished for the season? His high school coach asked him and the players I highlighted in a recent blip to play this weekend and again while we are in WV. Hubby and I picked him and two of his friends up from practice at 8 pm last night. Since it was 7/11, the store with that name was giving away free Slurpies. The boys wanted to take advantage of that offer so we went to the nearest one. I personally do not like those syrupy icy drinks but kids do. They were disappointed that the only flavor left was Coke but glad for the free deal. We took them to Jamie’s house. Hubby was asked to remove a splinter from Jamie’s finger. It was deep and quite infected. The things we do for family… This weekend’s games are only an hour away so we will drive up and back. And sit in the rain in our Frogg Toggs. Hope your weekend will be as exciting. Ha ha! Stay safe. Thanks for stopping by.
“Hibiscus flowers,
The flowers so bright,
Attract honey bees to its endeavour soft surface,
Bringing Hummingbird from afar, Adorable its beauty, mesmerizing its fragrance,
Beauty of summer days, Transitory its life, Overwhelming my soul,
And I love it a lot.” - Accretive girl

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