
By Memories4Me

Memorial Hospital

A great meeting with my post-surgery rehab specialist at Memorial Hospital.  She went over every detail of the surgery and what will follow.  She was amazing demonstrating the use of the ice machine, compression sock and every step of the surgical procedure.  She was so professional but still warm and personable.  I've been so impressed with the entire surgical team assigned to my case.  This is the waiting area in the hospital which is divided into five areas named after the notches in the White Mountains.  Each area also has a lovely gas log fireplace which, of course, isn't needed now but imagine how nice it would be in the winter months.  I feel a lot more confident going in to this now.  On another positive note, it looks like tomorrow will be great weather for my last adventure and I will be leaving very early in the morning so a late day post will be in order.  As they say here, we will have "fair winds and following seas!"

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