
By KCNQ2Haiku

Looking like he's no trouble!

This little dude has 
spent the entire day barking
for my attention!

You wouldn't know it now!  But he really has barked a LOT today, he had a lovely big walk and a play with other dogs, he's chatted with neighbours and chased balls.. but in between times he has expressed displeasure that he has not been the centre of attention.. I'm hoping it's just a phase!  At least he seems to have worn himself out now. 
Ben is home from respite and he seems OK, he's a bit demanding and he's been angry that it started raining but we've played a game of Go For Broke and he stuck with it through to the end.  Now Mr KCNQ2Haiku is at a concert so I'm bath monitor.  Hopefully I can get Ben to bed and have a look at some of the football :-). Ben says he was up at 3:45am so I'm hopeful that he will be tired!

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