
By schorschi

In the dog house

Luna again found something, this time green, rotten and very smelly, to roll in. She now knows the way to the shower without having to be told.

Early off to the specialist - he was a slightly happier teddy today but then hit me with a big hammer: the wound is healing very slowly and if it gets infected in a specific way, there is a 50/50 chance of dying! He thinks on balance it's better to leave it as it is but wanted the hospital to check it out just in case they thought it should be opened up and freshly recut. I think he is being particularly cautious and "scaring" me in to taking extra care as he is away for two weeks on a training course. So off to hospital who checked it out & were happy to leave it as it is and said I could come by every few days to have it looked at. They were particularly pleased that the nursing service who are doing my other wound could also keep an eye on me. On the way home, popped by at the GP to have blood taken for testing and then rang nursing service to say wound had been done for today but as always the boss, Birgit, was not happy to leave it at that and came over to double check and brought some additional wound dressing material.

After a mug or two of coffew with Birgit, eventually managed to get something to eat as I had to be starved for the mornings doctor visit. Then collapsed for a few hours. Angie is somehow managing to cope and getting a massage every few days to try and get her back muscles relaxed because of the serious danger of another slipped disc. This evening her weekly "Spine Fit" course and sauna at the local sports club and I managed to cook a meal for the first time in ages. Then fell fast asleep on the sofa (could have been I was a bit liberal with the wine in the sauce), waking up at 2:00am and quickly posting this but I guess it will be marked up as a "Backblip".

Tomorrow a final check by specialist at 8:00am, so off to bed....

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