Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


Another landscape at dusk.

After a long and very hot day in the office I drove Mr H to Luton for badminton training. Which gave me two hours to kill?

So I've driven past this spot hundreds of times and often thought I should try to capture it. I'd left half my kit at home and made a load of mistakes and the sun was going down rapidly by the time I'd sorted myself out. Still the swans obligingly came nearer and lazed about preening themselves.

I found the whole exercise quite therapeutic in the end, it was cool and peaceful. It reminded me of hours I used to spend fishing - catching nothing but enjoying it all the same.

I then popped in to see my in-laws. Mr P my brother in law is still very poorly in hospital, everyone in the family is thinking of him and his family. Then home by 11pm and a cheese sandwich for tea. A long old day.

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