
By heanku


We are on the road, a short trip to my husband's childhood area. Among other things, we visited a very nice little church from the 1600s. Those of you who have been with me for a while may remember that my husband and I are very fond of visiting churches, preferably old ones. And what a find this church was. (Hakarp church) There was a hanging baptismal font angel! 
The caretaker who was on site was very knowledgeable and guided us around the church. He told us that as far as he knew, there are only three hanging baptismal font angels in Sweden. The angel usually hangs from the ceiling, but when it is a baptism, it is hoisted down and given a silver bowl with baptismal water in its hand. 
Extra: There were lots of sculptures and nice paintings everywhere, so there is reason to come back. Among other things, John, with the angel, sits and writes his gospel. I think it almost looks like a pub scene. The man is sitting and drinking beer from a mug, or possibly wine, and has been sitting in the pub for quite a while because he starts to see in sight and sees an angel.

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