
By Marionb

Slim Pickings...

We still have some blueberry bushes on the island, but the harvest is not exactly bountiful! But those little berries do remind me of my childhood when we all hopped in the boat and went off to pick blueberries on a rocky hill not far from our cottage. As kids we ate more than we picked, but there were still enough left for a pie or two...Yum.

Today was clean up day - carrying brush and tree limbs to the burn pile and raking up debris...not by me..but by my hard-working daughter and SIL! Thank heavens for the younger generation; the manual labour of cottage maintenance is far beyond my sister and me! 

The fire rating was "moderate" today, meaning that you can burn after 6:00 PM but you have to have it doused and out before 2:00 AM; so it was OK for us to have a small fire and at least make a start on the massive clean-up job. (extra)

My daughter spent some more time today honing her new skills on that Kite Foil; a little bit every day seems to be a good strategy as she is certainly getting better! 

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