
By mambo

Class of 24

Was looking at the programme from yesterday , photographs of all the third year students were in it .
Several times it was mentioned in the speeches  that this group had been especially close and supportive of each other through successes and disappointments. 
They all auditioned for a place at The Northern Ballet School by filming themselves in their own homes because it was the time of Covid lockdown.
They had to put their faith in the institution without seeing classes in action or having face to face interviews. 
When the new academic term started  in the September this cohort really bonded. 
Ruby has come a long way in that three years, an on going injury meant she couldn’t dance for nearly three months. Then she changed her focus from ballet to jazz and contemporary dance.
At the drinks party last night after the graduation ceremony you could see how this group really liked and admired each other. 
Now they embark on their individual pathways and l will file this programme along with a lot of others but it will be interesting to learn what will happen to them in the future.

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