
By Annieone

A Very Quiet Birthday…..!!

While we still recover….its nearly like being in lock-down….ooooh the scary memories that brings back…
But I’ll make up for it …….i intend the birthday celebrations to go on for the rest of July…:))
Also my hubby retired from work officially on Friday so lots of celebrating to catch up on …
It was a miserable torrential rain shower day here anyway so despite feeling better,  we couldn’t even get out to walk away from where there would be people…so we had a quiet relaxing day around the house….Mel got out for several short walks around the cup-de-sac and we had a tasty takeaway Chinese dinner..!
There could be worse ways of becoming an official OAP as I did today..!!!
Jeepers,  it’s just a tad weird the way the years fly over…
My extra… a photo I got of those 2 boys just casually sitting on my fence waiting to launch another attack on my fruit bushes….ver early in the morning and they had no intention of moving..!!
I’ve lost the battle …there won’t be any jam this year….
I just might save a few of my redcurrants..!

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