Anamanthele lessoniana
Well, with garden visitors expected on Wednesday from Plant Heritage I wanted my garden to be at its best. It’s never perfect but best foot forward! So I hadn’t planned to spend a whole day on this problematic little spot under the shade of the cherry tree. I have been using this space to temporarily house shade loving plants - mostly hostas and pulmonarias. Last year, I removed most of the plants to the shady far side thus leaving the vacuum which nature abhors. It’s a mess! Anyway, I weeded it and filled in gaps with the generous Anamanthele lessoniana (which used to be a Stipa)! It’s looking reasonably respectable for our visitors but I’m still not sure what to do with it ultimately.
In the background you can see the parterre created with Ilex crenata (substitute for box but takes a while to establish) and Generous Gardener climbing on the wall.
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