This is the day

By wrencottage

Welcome visitor

I managed to put my hearing aids in without too much trouble today, but only because I decided to look at the manufacturer’s simple YouTube video and ignored my audiologist’s complicated instructions. So far, so good, but my left ear, which has a very narrow opening, is still hurting quite a bit from all the pushing and pulling to insert the mould correctly. For this reason I’m continuing to feel really tired, so I apologise for my poor commenting record at the moment.

We had a welcome visit from this green woodpecker at lunchtime. He stayed quite a while, pecking away happily at the lawn, which was damp from all the recent rain, so I was able to take lots of shots with my long lens.

Less welcome were the dozens of rose-ringed parakeets which have assailed us today with their wretched squawking and greedy habits. I went outside several times to shoo them away, and every time I did so a great number would rise up out of the top of every tree in the vicinity. I swear I saw about thirty in one go, soaring high into the distance. I wish they would disappear elsewhere, but unfortunately our garden seems to be a magnet for them. It’s the price we are paying for feeding the smaller birds, sadly.

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