
By flavia13



A really busy day, hence having to backblip.  I have wanted for some time to go on a guided tour around Morecambe Winter Gardens to see how they are progressing with its renovation.  It is a MASSIVE TASK as it was left to go derelict.   It is currently owned by the Morecambe Winter Gardens Preservation Trust which is a registered charity.  

It was such an interesting tour and you see so much of the dereliction and at first glance it doesn't look like they have done a lot - but that is not true.  On the tour you are shown what progress is being made and just how huge a task it is and with so many years of neglect it is going to be a long term ongoing project.

I never knew that before it became a Music Hall Theatre, which is different to a theatre.  It's history is amazing, I never knew for instance that it was initially opened as a swimming baths, with three different pools, one 1st class for men (the wealthy), another second class men (middle class) and one for women in general.

We went through the whole theatre and you can see how basic and bad it is back stage.  The tour guide was very knowledgeable on his subject and could regale us with stories of some of the music hall acts, like hypnotising crocodiles on stage!!!

We got to go on stage as well and up on to the balcony which overlooks Morecambe Sea Front with astounding views.

It took just over an hour because, although myself and Garron and one other couple on the tour, the other couple were late arriving and Garron has to take his time and sit regularly, which he could at various stages of the tour.

Hubby and I went to a show here at the end of our honeymoon way back in 1975.  All I remember really from that show was that it had Len Fairclough from Coronation Street as the star and singing (he had a pretty good voice and this amazing magician.  

After that we went for a quick sandwich in Eric's Cafe (basic cafe but OK for sandwiches and things with chips).  We just wanted a sandwich and the staff were very friendly.  It also looks out onto Eric Morecambe's statue, which as usual was incredibly busy with so many people stopping for photographs with it - even very young children whose parents wouldn't really have known them!!!!

We then dashed back home so I could have a quick freshen up and go up to Hare & Houses in Levens to meet up with Gladders and Mrs Gladders.  A lovely hour or so spent with them just catching up and having a drink really, but it was so good to see them again.

That's all for now - do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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