
By TheOttawacker

Da-da-da-da-da-da-da dadadadada (The Simpsons)

Having learned my lesson about not ignoring the plaintive coughs and splutters until they migrate to his chest, Ottawacker Jr. was booked into an appointment with his doctor (for the afternoon), and I got on with the various back-and-forth movements of one trying his hardest not to work on competition entries.
After watching some of the Germany-Spain match, we had to attend the clinic – where worries were allayed and he was given a nasal spray to soothe his post-nasal drip and swollen sinuses. Nothing could soothe the spirits when we got home though, as we subjected ourselves to watching Portugal play France, in quite possibly the worst game of football since the absolutely magnificent parody of a Portugal vs. Mexico “soccer” match by The Simpsons (only three minutes, worth a look). Unfortunately, both sides couldn’t be eliminated – so it had to be played until a winner was found. As for losers, well, there were millions.

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