
By Grammy

A Wise Man Once Said

We were awake by 5:30. Knowing how hot the day was going to be, we got up to enjoy the morning. We were comfortable sitting under our canopy with our big fan on high. Hubby’s heart monitor fell off yesterday while he was setting up camp. He contacted the company since he was supposed to wear it four more days. They said they would look at the data and decide if he needed to start over with a new one when he could stay out of extreme heat for 14 days. He was instructed to hand it to the postmaster vs putting it in a mail box. We found a local post office and then rode around the rural hilly countryside. It is really pretty here. We checked out a few markets and bought fried chicken for lunch. Jamie and Renee invited us to lunch with tours of some breweries and wineries but we declined. It was just too hot. Our high was 97°F with a heat index of 102°F. Plus, hubby does not drink and drive. Parker could chauffeur his parents. We read and napped, stopping long enough to join our fellow campers for an ice cream social at the office. Quite refreshing. We went to 4:30 Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Church near the UVA campus. It is a relatively new church. I tried to get a photo of the exterior of the building but every electrical line connection and pole used in Va was on that street corner or so it appeared. The ceiling of the interior dome was another beautiful feature that was hard to photograph. I read many of their patron saint’s quotes and understand why he is a doctor of the Church. The pipe organ was amazing, the cantor had the voice of an angel and the homily was inspiring. Hubby took me to a Mexican restaurant we really like in this town. The decor is whimsical, the food delish and the staff is quite cordial. Now we are back at the campsite to read until bed time. We have to leave early to get to the lacrosse fields. Parker’s first game is at 9:00 tomorrow morning. Hope your day was filled with inspiration. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “Now this relaxation of the mind from work consists on playful words or deeds. Therefore it becomes a wise and virtuous man to have recourse to such things at times.” - Thomas Aquinas

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