
By MarilynParker

Saturday stuff

Well it was cold, very windy and torrential downpours this morning. Even mid afternoon when it eventually brightened up, I had to put my winter (thermal) fleece on to venture into the garden.
Terry painted the repairs on the shed this afternoon (on the exterior he's repaired parts of both sides and a bit on the door at the bottom - he also fixed the floor which needed doing thanks to the rat problem we had where they chewed through it but that doesn't need painting). I did a bit of tidying up in it. Most of the day it was around 14C outside but it briefly warmed up late afternoon to 18C - not for long though because the wind got up again and blew a few things over in the gardens and it took the temperature back down. What a rotten summer we are having!
In the morning I started to clean the living room but I got waylaid and then I couldn't be bothered resuming!
Terry watched some of the England match but I prefer not to. I watched the final penalty though! 

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