
By MarilynParker

Good day for doing stuff.

We went shopping and Terry has continued to repair the shed. I had the washing out as today was a sunny and breezy day - not likely to be 2 of these in a row, in fact I think rain and thunderstorms are forecast for tomorrow. I mowed both of our lawns this afternoon and then I mowed the grass verges outside of our house because the council has failed to do them again and they are long with tall weeds. Quite a few people are mowing the verges and I am irritated that the council tax costs so much for such a bad service.
The bald patches on the lawns are almost completely filled in now (the bald patches were because I gave the moss a severe treatment) - both lawns looked awful when the treatment had taken effect and then I had used the electric rake on them twice! I've not seeded them as I thought they'd seed themselves and they have. If there are bald bits left in October I might seed them but it looks like they'll have gone by then.
Not sure how but I've done just over 11,000 steps already today and I've not been for a walk.

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