A moment in time

By Skyegirl

Loch Goil

We left home quite early today and headed up the lochside and over the Rest and Be Thankful, then down to Loch Goil.  We took the single track road on the north side of the loch, a lovely journey, but quite busy as there are a lot of holiday lodges as well as residential properties along the route.

We stopped at the Boat Shed for lunch, and had a really nice meal, so that we really have not needed much since then.  A beautiful view of the loch from the Shed too.  We had to queue though as it has become very popular recently, as it was mentioned in the Scotsman recently.

From there we continued around the loch for a bit to Carrick Castle, and had a stop and wander there before heading home.  

Had a break at the top of the Rest, very busy today and everyone seemed to be taking photos. 

Quite a long run for Bob today, but he really enjoyed it, as did I.

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