This morning I met with a friend and her dog for a walk at Emsworth. It was quite blustery and we got caught in several downpours but it was a pleasant walk. It’s the first time we’d met outside of work. Before returning home I had a peruse in one of the charity shops and found a needle craft section with lots of very lovely bits and bobs….I will return!
This afternoon on our walk Merlin and I went to the local recreation ground. The grass was full of flowers - clover, self heal and kidney vetch, especially. Several blippers have recently shared pictures of their no-mow grass areas so I thought I’d share this. Obviously the grass here is cut but it’s interesting there are so many wild flowers present. Perhaps it is because it is an unimproved grassland.
This evening the football is on in this house so I’m doing my blip and catching up with a bit of reading whilst half watching the action.
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