Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Conjuror

Today I did get some Hat Fair pictures.  I didn't stay down there very long because - and thanks to those who asked - I'm still not feeling too good.  But I did like this one of a conjuror in St Maurice's Covert, who had her audience just where she wanted them, but still managed to get upstaged by a five-year-old girl she'd picked out of the audience to assist ;))

Also down there I met a photographer friend who noticed the new camera and told me he knew several people who'd had to get rid of their heavy equipment for the same reason I did.  Not nice for them, but nice for me to know I'm not alone.

Still digesting yesterday's national events..

And just a reminder, tonight at midnight WFW24_14 finishes and we roll over to WFW24_15.  Have a great Saturday evening, all  xx

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