Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2024 Monday — At the Veterinarian Office

We took Mitzi in at 8:00 this morning to her veterinarian’s office. We thought Dr. Byrd would put silver nitrate on Mitzi’s ugly shoulder wart, to stop the continual bleeding. Instead, the doctor said let's take care of this stuff and we signed paperwork to okay surgery.

Mitzi is home now and quite sedated. She has 3 places on her body with sutures; those sutures will be removed on July 16. Many places with warts were burned/frozen off. As long as the doctor was going to sedate Mitzi, the doctor wanted to take care of the dental issues. Mitzi had 12 teeth removed. She'll have soft food for 14 days. Hours later, the doctor was thrilled with the way Mitzi came thru surgery.

We have pain meds for her. We'll stay close to home the next couple days.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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