Roll With It

By Falmike

Sad Day

Mrs S came off night shift and after a shower and readying herself we headed off to Truro.
First up a visit to try and get a pair of expensive but shoddily made trainers exchanged but much as expected from the retail sector absolutely no chance, the system is built to favour them not the customer.

We headed up to Treliske for the Memorial Service for a Doctor who was also Mrs S’s friend. Very moving, funny in parts and emotional. I was there to support Mrs S, I never knew the Doctor, had never met them but I felt myself moved by the obvious affection felt by everybody else in the room.

Next stop home for a quick coffee before heading to the vets with Paddy for his six monthly check up. Big softy that he is, crying in the waiting room because he had to wait. Putting on his best behaviour he sailed through, a little overweight (aren’t we all),but otherwise good.

No rowing in the evening which gave me a night off at home.

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