..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T


Weather was good today!, We went for a walk around St Bees Head and down to Fleswick Bay.. I had in mind some long exposure shots of the surf although I had no idea of the state of the tide, it was a case of head out when we could.
St Bees head is an RSPB site, there are a couple of viewing points of the cliffs. My favourites are the Razorbills which nest on any horizontal ledge they can find. There are 100s here.
Their party trick is a suicidal dive at the cliff and deploy air brakes and feet at the last minute to avoid a splat.
If the perch is occupied  (a couple of lovers in situ in this case) they abort at the last minute.
In extras another example of a total overshoot with an oblivious incumbent. Also in extras a juvenile Skylark (I think?), a Razorbill high diver and a juvenile Herring Gull. 
We did finally get around to the bay and I did faff around with tripod and camera for a while but the birds won the day. 

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