..endeavour to persevere

By Nick_T

Windy Waves

White tops out on the Irish sea this morning after last night's gales.
I checked tides to find that the next high tide was a civilized 1050am so I went down to the harbour looking for some waves. 
I took this shot from the New Old Quay, (you would have thought they could have tried a bit harder when they named it). 
Jess pointed out that it doesn't really have a defined subject, this is one of my "problems" I find I end up trying to cram too much in. In this case there was the wave, the Candlestick, Wellington Lodge (top left), the wet steps to the right (wanted to get more in but 16mm was as wide as I could go) and the railings sweeping around from the right. I got them all in alright but what did I end up with? 
Probably a good jigsaw puzzle.
In extras,  just a little further along, the view down the western arm.

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