
By Melisseus

Pick a Colour

Sometimes there is red pollen, but I couldn't find any.  Here, though, is blue and yellow, orange and green and, if you squint a little, turquoise, which covers most of the others. Also a few dark empty cells, to represent the Independent voices (well done Jeremy; sorry Faiza; congratulations to those who stood for Gaza)

You are supposed to tell your bees about significant personal life events - births, marriages and deaths (or hatch, match and dispatch, as I've heard vicars call it) - or there is a risk they will feel excluded and abscond. I don't think they are so concerned with matters of state; possibly they see awarding the running of the country exclusively to the party that earned one third of the votes cast by two thirds of the electorate as a mere parody of democratic practice. They have their own social order, but one of the most well-respected books in the craft is called 'Honeybee Democracy', so they have a view

Our constituency was a mirror of the national picture. It has been blue since the late Cretaceous, with red second. This time, the intrusion of turquoise peeled away blue votes, so red won by a margin smaller than the turquoise haul. You may remember that David Cameron (whose former constituency is now orange) subjected us to a referendum precisely so that this scenario would never arise. That worked out well

I dithered for a while outside the polling station before casting my vote yesterday, trying to make a final choice between two that I thought deserved it most. My chosen candidate came in sixth; the alternative was fifth. I think I'm out of (colour) harmony with the times

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