Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


I was up early because I wanted to put in an hour at work before going out for a meeting with the landlord's agent. G was already out of her room, and the TV was on. She was watching the results of the snap election! I sat and watched some of it as well. It was good to hear some of the speeches. It's all so civilised and good-natured. I loved listening to Penny Mordaunt. Britain has got the change it needs so we went out in the afternoon and had a small celebration.

As for the meeting with the agent, it was certainly good of them to give us the time to listen to what I had to say, but in reality, they were humouring us and just had to deliver a message they had already made up their minds about.

A much-needed, relaxed evening followed. The movie Yesterday was on one of the channels. A nice, light-hearted film to end the week.

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