Wendy's World

By Wendles56


We stayed up to watch the election coverage overnight.  Our local result came in at 6am, yay!  I had to be up for my fitness session at 8 so I had a bowl of cornflakes and then we turned in for a couple of hours.  I woke at 8, had a green tea and went down to the village to meet Angela for our pre-fitness session warm up.  Angela had also been up most of the night so we took one look at each other and decided to walk rather than run around the park.  What followed was more of an unfitness session!

Back home I watered the flowerpots which were looking weedy after yesterday's dry high wind, then I filled the bird feeders and made breakfast.  Tony managed to sleep till 10.30.

I worked on my article for the Club Newsletter for a while, practised my recorder, did a bit of washing and basically had a quiet day.  These two jackdaws were sitting on the feeders, the adult doing its best to encourage Junior to feed itself.  Junior was making one heck of a racket when ignored.

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