Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Labels and verges

Another dull, showery day. I went out this morning to give my fake chimney pot a scrub - now I'll have to decide where to put it and what to put in it! It really doesn't look too bad from a distance!

Although the forecast was for showers and a light breeze I went to Dunollie this afternoon to put out the rest of my engraved plant labels. These are mostly for the new shrubs and trees which have gone in over the winter. I'd like to do more of the established trees and shrubs - if we have a proper identification - but will have to wait until the Dunollie Trust gets more grant aid!

I wasn't very happy to see that the verge alongside the wall outside Dunollie has been sprayed - a council job I assume. My extra today. They've even sprayed the harmless small plants growing out of the wall!  I don't know why they've started spraying - an annual strim would do the job and save the wild flowers!

Quote of the Day: '"What a lonely place it would be to have a world without a wildflower!" - Roland R Kemler.

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