The second half of life..

By twigs

Right ingredients, wrong mix

Had a lovely long sleep and woke feeling refreshed.  A peek out the window told me there was frost but it was clear.  Get up, ablute, dress, get coffee on the go, remove insulation from!!  Such a change in such a short space of time.  Abandon coffee making, and head for my chosen location - somewhere I decided last night would be my go-to if conditions warranted it.  Basically, in the space of about 20 minutes the crystal clear day turned to dense fog.  Turned out that the frost was only about -2 degrees C though so not even as cold as yesterday.  Still, after a quick stop by Lake Ruataniwha to grab an *unusual shot, I headed just along the road to the *Old Iron Bridge where I enjoyed a great hour or two, though after about an hour the fog had lifted enough to suggest that was all I was going to get. Finally got my coffee (which doubled as lunch) then opted to spend some time with the swallows.  Was thrilled to finally get just *one shot of what I'm after and whilst the quality is still well below par, I really don't care!  It's another step in the right direction to achieving the shot I would like to capture.  Can't wait to get back to my Nelson pond in springtime and see how the new learnings help in that location.  

Just checked outside and the clouds have blacked out the stars so I guess there'll be no chance of HF tomorrow.  I'll be up early to check.  For now though, bedtime.....

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