The second half of life..

By twigs

Lovely Lindis

I me someone yesterday who just happened to mention that they'd had a lovely drive over the Lindis Pass and how lovely it was to see the snow.  I decided that today would be a tiki-tour day so after my early sunrise chase in -4 degrees (still nothing great) I decided that I'd check it out myself.  I love the Lindis area anyway, but the thought of it with snow.......mmmmmm!  It's about a 40 minute drive from Twizel through to the top of the pass, a journey which I made in stunningly beautiful weather.  It was only really the last few kms where the road was above the snow-line so no issues at all with safety.  At the 'top' rest area the cars were constant......tourists, kids (I thought school holidays started tomorrow!), happy snappers, snowball-fighters.....and very few people dressed for the weather so few stayed long.  I on the other hand made a coffee and enjoyed a couple of hours or so up there.  I too became a happy-snapper, though I think my pics were quite different to other people's!

Passing the Ohau road on the drive back I decided I'd check it out again now that the weather was a bit better.  Another hour or two of happy pootling on the lakeside.......still cold but there was definitely heat in the sun.  More cold weather forecast for tomorrow - maybe even colder.  Think I might forgo an early start and just enjoy a slow morning in a warm van!

PS I know these mountains are missing their tops......I do have them but this is a composite of 5 images and there are another 5 images with the tops.  My laptop is being so painfully slow at the moment I didn't even bother trying to blend the tops in too.

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