
By HarryJ

Big tree, little house

Took the road through Yarrow coming home today. (That's Yarrow BC, not Yarrow in Scotland.)
The BC version is a small village/town of 3,000 people, formed in 1928. I also learned that Yarrow is a medicinal herb so I wonder what caused Yarrow to be called Yarrow. Was it Scottish heritage, or a herb that grew naturally here?
It'a mixture of old houses in various states of repair, from pristine to ramshackle, and luxurious new houses that must have cost a pretty penny.
On a day like today, the huge tree provides welcome shade, yes, it was another hot one.
I saw the UK election projections. Wow, what a landslide! 

And for all US blippers, happy 4th of July.

Ah well...

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