An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hot Lips...

We all went to Deep Sea World in North Queensferry today.  

First visit for me and sadly it was a bit underwhelming.  I enjoyed seeing all the fish but the whole place needs a pile of money thrown at it as it's very tired, inside and out.  In the underwater section it was thrilling to see the sharks, sting rays and myriad of other species swimming above our heads and by our sides, but the glass was needing a good clean and for the most part it was like looking at the fish through a very dirty window.  

My favourites were the clown fish and the stingrays.  Photos are rubbish but I did like this one of a piranha.  I asked Faith if she'd like to pat it :-)))

We finished our tour at 4pm and went in search of coffee but the cafe had stopped serving. Scottish tourism at its finest.  The girls enjoyed the trip though so that's the main thing.

Back home, dinner, now watching the election coverage.  Not sure how long I'll last before bed calls. 

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