An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Down by the riverside...

D and I arranged to take Anna and Faith to the Riverside museum today and give their mum and dad a day to themselves.  We arrived there just before midday and met up with Ele, Kenny and Esme.  Faith and Esme were delighted to be back together again. 

We decided to start with lunch, which was fine.  We all had sandwiches then D & K had coffee and cake.  D went to pay and was astounded when the bill came to £98!!!  Jeez!  We won't make that mistake again.  Ridiculous prices.  Still we all enjoyed the museum and it kept us out of the rain for a few hours.

Waved goodbye to Ele, Kenny and Esme at 3pm and headed back home.  The weather was miserable in Glasgow but much better at home, so we stopped at the park to let the girls have a play.  Faith managed to bump her head and scrape her knee, but knowing how boisterous she is, I was happy that was all the injuries she sustained!  More pics in extras.

Back home in time for Alan's swim at 5pm.  David was going in the pool with him so as the sun was still shining I went into the garden with the girls.  

S & L had gone for a late lunch locally so D picked them up one he was out of the pool.  We ended getting takeaway for dinner then the girls went to bed early (they were exhausted) although I suspect didn't go to sleep for an hour or two.

Tesco order done and now bed.  More adventures to be had.  We're all heading to Deep Sea Word tomorrow.  

UK General Election tomorrow. Don't forget to vote :D 

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