Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The theme of Yellow

I belong to an online group called Creative Haven, run by Margaret Soraya, who lives on the Isle of Harris (lucky person). This month's theme is yellow, so you may see more yellow images coming up.

I was shattered after yesterday's events, but I woke at 0530. I had a cup of tea and another sleep before a late start to the day.

It was very windy with nasty showers today, so I did not venture far.

You will be pleased to know that I went to vote. I have my fingers crossed that we will have a change of MP here, but it is unlikely. My plan is to go to sleep, set my alarm and get up to watch results from 0200. Whether I manage this remains to be seen!

Thank you for all your kind comments yesterday. Eric is doing fine today and waiting for a slot to have a pacemaker fitted. Then he can come home. 

I visited Jenny and Dennis after voting. Dennis had become immobile during the night and Kate had to manage on her own to get him back into bed. The paramedics could not come. I think they would have if he had fallen.

I watched tennis and knitted two more premature baby hats. They don't take very long. I just need to find a suitable outlet for them.

Liz and Nick and I went to the pub for an evening meal. It was good to catch up with them. I was very shaken by visiting the A&E where Mum was taken yesterday. It took me quite by surprise, but I'm OK now.

My blip is a phone image. Look at how the phone camera manages to produce some bokeh. Amazing!

I texted to join the 10 to 10 club on Times Radio this morning. I am number 9 in the club and my name and Humshaugh were read out. Callum MacDonald managed to pronounce Humshaugh correctly!!

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