
By Ingleman

The Dirty Dozen

I have a lot of sparrows in the garden just now. I get great pleasure from watching their antics and they remind me of a bunch of naughty schoolchldren.

They come in to feed, bathe in the dirt and preen in the trees. There are so many of them that they make so much chattering noise and always jostle for position, as they did here in the branches of the silver birch tree. I have blipped a similar scene recently but thought I would share this funny moment with you.

Earlier we had heard a tremendous bang as a bird of some sort had crashed into the dining room window.

It was young sparrow and at first I thought it was dead.  

I picked it up and I could see it was struggling to breath and quite knocked out.

I cupped it in my hands and just held it for maybe ten minutes, and after some time there were signs of life and a slight struggle as it was coming round and not happy being constrained by my hands...

I asked Mrs I to take a quick photo ( Extra) and then put it gently down outside. It looked around and after a  slight pause flew up onto the roof of the bungalow, out of harm's way.

A happy ending thankfully, although I think it will have tremendous headache after that crash!

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