
By Ingleman

Another One Bites The Dust

On my walk beside the river in Beambridge yesterday I spied a pile of feathers where there had clearly been a killing, probably a sparrowhawk or buzzard. No blood, no bones. Just feathers.

In amongst the mess I picked out these irredescent blue feathers which made me think of Kingfisher, and I said out loud  'Oh no!'

But the other darker feathers were way too big for the victim to have been a Kingfisher and I then thought it might be Jay.

I was right, on doing extensive research ( Google lens!) it transpires it is from a Jay.  Poor thing.

I have seen and found the remains of several dead birds lately, mostly pigeon. Could it be the killer is a Peregrine Falcon? 

This is nature in the raw and we have to live with it.  Not nice for sensitive souls like me but it happens, and I can do nothing about it.

Except take photos for the evidence files.

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