
By Bom

Not the Polling Station

Ok, I meant to take a photo of the polling station when I went to vote this morning, but I forgot. Instead you’ve got a photo of the main part of the library which many years ago was a stable block. We were due to have a talk there by Norman Lamb who was our MP who stood down at the last election, so he obviously couldn’t give a talk on the day of the next election. Instead my friend H’s husband M stepped in to give us a fabulous talk with music extracts about composers with a connection to Norfolk - it was very enjoyable. This is a long piece, but I’ve added it in case you wanted to listen to a small bit as a taster. It’s ‘In the Fen Country’ by Ralph Vaughan Williams who lived in Sheringham for a short while.

It was very quiet in the Polling Station when I was there at 10:30, three of us voting and six poll clerks. I think we all know who’ll win, but I’m interested to see the turnout as I suspect it will be quite low. Some tense matches at Wimbledon today. Well done to Jacob Fearnley, the Brit ranked 277 making his Wimbledon (and grand slam) singles debut, who took a set off Novak Djokovic on Centre Court. 

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