A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Fourth of July!

For many in the US today is a celebratory holiday for Independence Day. Here, this year, it is polling day for the General election! For us it is always Chris’s birthday.

I said I would take him out for brunch and he decided he would like to walk to Saltaire and go to Salt’s Diner. Needed to be there before 11.00 as they stop serving breakfast then and don’t  start on lunch till 12.00 so I decided to forgo the early walk with the ladies this morning.

Bright but extremely breezy and not exactly warm. When we set out on our walk a man said .. good morning, not a bad day for March! We were lucky though as we avoided the heavy showers that came before we set off and after we arrived home. 
We started out with a slight extension up to the North Lodge of Milner Field to take another look at the remains of this mansion.
Last month’s Book Club book was ‘Murder at the Mansion’ a 1930’s mystery set in Saltaire around the mill, village and the mansion built by Titus Salt Junior, Milner Field. This was demolished in the 1950s and very little remains but on our last visit they were doing some tidying up so we decided to take another look.

Continued down the long drive into Roberts Park,  named after the man who bought the mansion and the mill from the Salt family, to Salts Mill.

Had a very nice coffee and full breakfast before a look around the 1853 gallery, lots of Hockney, and returning along the canal. Giant Hogweed was towering along the edge of the tow path on the canal side. 
Called in the village to vote before returning home to put some washing out as soon as a heavy shower had passed. 
Chris is meeting our son at the pub later to claim his free birthday drink. I’m putting my feet up! It’s been quite a week.

Happy Fourth of July to all who celebrate.

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