Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


When I saw this today I realised how long it has been since I saw a rainbow. This one cheered my heart!
This morning we went back out to Straiton to pick something up from Matalan then headed to Costco for some petrol.
On the way back I popped into our local charity shops to return some items I'd bought for Ali which didn't fit.
Said lady and her youngest daughter appeared this afternoon, they are away for the weekend and leave tomorrow. They and the rest of their NCT ante natal group who were formed online during lockdown, are heading up north of Pitlochry, where they have rented a large house. This is the second year they've done it. Several of the group now have second children so it's going to be a busy time.
Ali had a health visitor appointment due today so they arranged it for here as Stuart was working at home. Bonnie was 6 months old last week, half a year already.
Later on, Colin went round to the church hall to meet the team setting it up as a polling station for tomorrow. Someone has to go to open up for them tomorrow morning at 6am too. The team leader commented that in Edinburgh 30% of the electorate has a postal vote which seemed extremely high to us .
Don't waste it, use your vote tomorrow there's no point in complaining if you don't use your voice.

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