
By HareBrain


 By my dear friend L a couple of days ago. It's a fledgling Collared Dove which Pipi, her spaniel, brought into the house and proudly dropped at L's feet. Luckily Pipi has a soft mouth and apart from a few tail feathers missing no real harm was done, apart from a very traumatised fledgling 

L picked the fledgling up and put it out in a quiet part of her garden and kept the dogs firmly installed in the house. Very soon after Mum Dove came down to look at her baby and fed it. At night J takes the fledgling into the woodshed away from predators and puts it out again in the morning where Mum is waiting.  

I spent a lovely morning with L, drinking coffee and generally catching up. L very kindly looked after my garden whilst we were away. I brought gifts from our travels as a thank you. Must have been a real chore for her and J as shortly after we left the mini heatwave struck, but they did a great job.

Whilst we were chatting away it was lovely to see the little fledging sitting on the fence enjoying the sunshine with mum never far away. A wood pigeon came and sat very close to the baby and it was amazing to see mum swooping across to see said pigeon off. Do hope the little bird continues to thrive.

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