If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Lavender x christiana

The morning pottering about doing various long over due jobs.  The afternoon our usual Coffee and garden centre with Kanyl.  Having many watering cans but not a rose between them we took the opportunity to buy a couple of push on roses.  For reasons I don't understand metal watering cans now have an internal thread on the spout where as mine has an external!

The blip is a flower new to me.  The label told me it was L christiana but as always wanting to know about things new to me I have discovered it is actually a hybrid between L canariensis and L pinnata.  It gives the natural distribution as Tenerife, which I find strange as it is a hybrid.  It gives the "vital statistics" as 1m by 60 cm.  The write up also says very vigorous and covered in enormous blue flowers.

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