Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Billy No Mates

Much of this morning was taken up with moving furniture around, cleaning the wooden floor and bashing the rug on the washing line with a tennis racket (homage to Wimbledon there, I have a pretty mean backhand when it comes to dust!).  I decided I needed a break and some exercise, so donned the running gear and did a circuit of the St Ives Estate.  I haven't been in to the Estate for several weeks and it was good to have the place pretty much to myself apart from a couple of dog walkers comparing dogs.  The Hobblers are injured, on holiday, grieving or working too hard just now hence it was a Billy No Mates run for me.

This is the oft blipped section where the larch trees and others were removed due to a virus.  It still looks pretty much the same apart from if you look closely you can see where we joined a working party for  tree planting.  I must take a walk down there at some point and see how the trees are getting on in their plastic covers.

Back home we had lunch and then I put the living room back, cleaned the bath and finally picked up my recorder for a very rusty practice.  All that and it was just about time to head down to the village for Pilates.

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