
By Marik_i

Back at Osprey nest

Back at Osprey nest, because there is so much that we must say about nesting ospreys and all nesting creatures in this world. In the picture we can see (and I can hear) that it is raining cats and dogs and the mother of the three chicks is trying to keep them dry and warm by covering them with her wings. From my Blipfriend Tinksandtonks and via the links she gave, I know what happened to three chicks and their parents at Loch Arkaig (Osprey Camera 2) only a few days ago. You can read it yourself, but in short, the female and the chicks were not fed for some time, it was raining for days and the mother could not cover the chicks.  It ended so (you can read yourself) that the two surviving chicks (I saw how the poor mother carried away one corpse) were removed to Spain (Spain ???) and I have seen how the parents search at the empty nest. I am reading that this was all that could be done. And yet I think that even Osprey young need their parents. How can they take the children, almost ready to fledge, away from their parents to  a n o t h e r  country, another climate! Read yourself. With T. we have cried for days.

Osprey with its wing spread on 150-160 cm cannot have its nest in bushes, it must be high on top of a tall 25-30 m tree, so the nest is unavoidably open to the weather, wind and rain, cold and heat from burning sunshine.

Here is the link that I should have given to you right away

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