
By Technophobe


The hollyhocks ( and bindweed) have run a bit rampant while we were away, so has the lawn, after No Mow May and being neglected for the whole of June.
But we seem to have kept the muntjacs out and actually have runner beans growing for the first time for years.

I meant to say yesterday apropos of my extra, that the security to get back into the UK from France was very tight. We had to go through two lots of passport control. In between,  a security person waves some sort of detector device around inside your vehicle. Then we had to have the Motorhome X rayed. This involves having to position it in a moving belt type of thing like at some car washes, you have to get out and stand in a concrete shelter while they zap it, looking for stowaways . After that someone comes on board to look in every orifice and cupboard for well, whatever they’re searching for.
In October there’s a new law involving taking fingerprints. 
Goodness knows what the queues and waiting times will be like at customs control.
Kent police appear to be carrying all this out over there. When you get to Blighty you just go straight off, the work having all been done beforehand.

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