
By MerrilHope

RC Community

A morning of pottering until midday and then Day 2 of first Session teaching summer school art class to six sweet early teen girls until 4pm.  This was followed by a brief but lovely event in front of Gould Hall (today's photo) when I was invited to join a small group of faculty saying goodbye and thank you to a valued member of the community, Fikriye, who at the age of 82 is finally hanging up her mop and bucket having been a cleaner since 1974 for many of the faculty living on campus, (including me). Fifty years of looking after teachers. No words. 

An enjoyable afternoon teaching,  it's good to be back in the classroom, but blimey, this teaching malarky is tiring in the Turkish summer heat - so, once home after Fikriye's celebration and a quick trip to the bakkal (store), a nap was required before doing not a lot for the rest of the evening.

Note: this same view of Gould Hall was my 100th Blip in April 2013 (here

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