
By MerrilHope

Arty farty

ooh it's ages since I've been arty farty in my photo choice. I think Day 1 of teaching this year's summer school art class is the perfect excuse. I love the way the sun shines through the dancing leaves outside to fall in such a delicate ballet on the wardrobe doors.  This happens every sunny afternoon and evening, and I've made several short videos in previous years - always mesmeric to watch, especially when accompanied by Satie or Debussy :)

There are just six girls aged 12-14 in the art class for this two week session. All seemed sweet and motivated. It's an afternoon class which is less useful  for me than morning classes for personal time management reasons as I know I will be frittering away the morning with insufficient time to do anything much before I start at 12.00, but then too late to do much once I'm done around 17.00. The second session will be morning classes and that will be better for me, having all afternoon free to go out in to Istanbul. Anyway, for the next two weeks, it's going to be good to chill with Nohut the cat, embroidery and Netflix and hopefully, lots of sleep. Tonight's movie is 'State of Play' - Russell Crowe, Helen Mirren. 

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