
By dreaming

My companion

When Doug was here earlier in the day, he and Sylvie kept taking turns in the desk chair, as she leapt into it as soon as he got up.  He wasn't able to do much about the cable situation, but he did manage to make my tv set function without it and it appears that Samsung tv's come with some  free programming if one can only find it.  So there's something to watch on tv until such time as I can get this fixed.  Doug knows how to think about how electronics work and that gives him ideas that I would never come up with on my own.

Tomorrow I'll need to schedule those dental appointments, as I've got a ghastly toothache, and then try again with Xfinity to see if I can get things changed.  I don't want to spend a lot of time on it again.  I'm feeling pretty helpless about all this right now.  Coming home tired and headachy from dialysis and having to deal with all of this, even with Doug's support, has left me feeling pretty punk.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll be feeling more optimistic and able to face dealing with this again.

Why is nothing ever simple and straightforward?

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