
By dreaming

A nightmare day

My day started early with an ultrasound and then I went home for breakfast before moving on to the other things I'd planned to do today.  But there was an e-mail from Lex.  I've been on her Netflix plan for years, but Netflix no longer allows family who don't live in the same house to use the same Netflix account.  So the e-mail said that I would have to open my own account.  No problem, or so I thought.

I ended up spending the entire day dealing with this, on my computer and  on my phone, and now at 8PM I have no television at all.  Just this  .message on the screen.  I spoke with incomprehensible helpers in India .  I even made an appointment and went to the Xfinity store at Northgate, driving around forever trying to find it, as it had moved, and then discovered that my subscription is part of a bulk subscription for my building and he could do nothing whatever for me.  

So I called the number for that, and there I was again struggling with the computerized questions, none of them the right one,.  I finally got to speak to a comprehensible helper in Mexico who, after 35 minutes, announced that he'd set up my account the way I wanted it and that I'd receive yet another new cable box in a few days.  

But when I turned on the television, I discovered that all my recordings had disappeared and the tv did not know that I had a DVR recording device.  Eventually I was offered a "system refresh" and when I agreed to that this is what came up on my screen.  Now I have no tv reception at all.  I tried calling the number on the screen and found myself back at square one with the electronic "helper.  So I gave up.

Doug has offered to come by tomorrow while I'm at dialysis and see if he can figure out how to fix this.  If he can't, I have no idea what to do next.  Meanwhile, I missed out on getting a Covid shot and shopping at Safeway because of this runaround.

Back to dialysis tomorrow, which will be restful after all this.

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