
By intothehills

Mourning Cloak

(aka Camberwell Beauty)

A apt find for a sad day, as we put our lovely apartment in the Alps on to the market today with the same agent we bought it via nearly a decade ago. A conversation he tells us he's having all too often. 
The sad post Brexit reality is that I can't work here anymore with any real ease, and the dream of retiring here is now both too difficult and too far away to make the costs bearable. The apartment has been the manifestation of everything I thought my latter life had worked for, thrown away by other people's decisions. 

I hope sovereignty and dreams of empire or any of the other totally absent benefits of our nations stupidest moment don't have worse consequences as we see the far right resurgent across Europe.

Philosophy Tuesday
"I sat with my anger long enough
until she told me her real
name was grief"
C. S. Lewis

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