Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

My Glass Is Empty

We stopped off at the doctors' surgery on the way to the shops this morning ..... 3 appointments to make!
All 3 made for the same day!!!!
Next Tuesday!  (Could have been earlier but Tuesday suited)
Miracles do happen.

Once home I went into the garage and did some vacuuming and cleaning up - as well as making sure the new blade in the bandsaw worked properly.
I also rough turned a box.

I noticed that there was a splash of colour in the pond. 
It wasn't there yesterday.
It is the first Lily of the year ... but there are more buds.
When I was removing some of the weed to get a better shot (there are 3 shots) I don't know who got a bigger fright - me or the young frog. It certainly didn't hang about in getting across the weed and into deep water..

I then started doing some more serious weed pulling and dead pampas (style) grass leaves.
That was when I came across the Iris (4 shots).
When my back started screaming and a cup of tea was shouting on me, I gave up and headed in ... but not before stopping to get another (poor) shot of some of the orchids underneath the Holly outside the front door.

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